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Tender Mercies!


Yay! I get to send off an email today! Tender mercies...

IT's so good to hear from all of you! I was able to read most of your

previous emails from past weeks, but I will just respond in this on

email because I don't know when the internet will crash...

I'm glad to hear that things are going well. I can't believe you went

to CHINA?!!?! that's so cool! I can't wait to hear all about it and

see pictures. FYI - if you send pictures in the text and not as an

attachment I can usually see them. I was sad at first that I didn't

get to go with you, but then I realized where I was reading your email

from...I think I'll be okay.

JAKE IS HOME!!!?!? Holy cow, that was really fast! How is he? Does he

have an accent? What is he up to now? Tell him to shoot me an email if

he has time in between dates. Even if I can't repsond, I would live to

hear from him! And tell him I'll bring my own kie (grass mat).

ALSO!!! Thank you so much for the packages! I know I say this every

time, but I get that Christmas morning thrill every time I open a

package from home. There is so much in it! It is like hermione's magic

bag! There was so much food I don't even know what to do with it all.

I have been sharing with the other companionship too, don't worry. It

was such a morale booster to see pictures, letters, and (of course)

food from home. I love you guys!

Things have been stellar these past few weeks. Have you been praying

more that usual for us? Because our investigators have made a ton of

progress. We just had seven baptisms this past week and should have

three more this week. Church attendance has been as good as ever, and

we have organized the members into unofficial callings as teachers and

presidencies. This past sunday was our first time having all three

blocks of church. It went so well! All of the new teachers were

prepared and did great. I am really excited to see the progress that

has been made here! We should have a real branch soon! THe best part

though is seeing families change. There is a literal, visible change

that comes into their faces once they are baptized, receive the Holy

Ghost, and Keep the commandments. It is so cool to see. Sometimes I

feel like singing (and, with all that biking time we have, sometimes I

do)! It's still difficult, but I feel like these fast few weeks have

been a real turning point for the work here in Nonouti!

Keep an eye out for my letters! And wish Elder Gilmour a happy 21st today!!!


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